Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Initial ideas of names

These are the initial ideas for our film name.

Phsyco thriller -
- The unnamed
- The woods
- Whispers in the wind
- The unheard
- The forgotten
- Her

In the end we decided to choose the unheard. This was because we felt that for the message we wanted to get across and for the atmosphere we wanted to create that this title best suited the film. Furthermore 'The unheard' seemed to give of a sense that it is a mystery who the unheard is and why they are unheard it sounds more harrowing then the other titles aswell as the other factors.

The other titles were good and we were considering wether to go with 'The forgotten' or 'The unheard'. In both titles the word 'The' is very vauge and doesn't tell you alot about weather it is a male or a female or why they are 'The' forgotten'/Unheard' in this movie.


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