Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Questionaire analysis

I gave out 20 questionaires to my piers and people at my drama club. Every single one of my questionaires that were given out came back with the same age range which was 15-17. However the data I collected was sufficent to finalise this piece of coursework. Amazingly enough when the questionaires came back it was split half between females and males. The questionaire asked wether they prefered 15 or 18 rated movies the evidence shows that for the age group of 15-17 they prefered 15 rated movies this may be due to two contributing factors. Either they have not watched many 18 rated movies due to thier age, or due to thier age their brains are less developed so may find 18 movies, too scary or too physcological for them to understand the full codes and convetions of what the movie is about or what it consists of.

Next the audience was asked what sub-genres they like to see on the big screen.
Action- 14
Film noir-0

From this we can see that action and physcological thrillers were the favorited so from this we can make our
opening of a film shaped to fit the criteria the audience like, however we can put our own mark on it and make it unique.

Next the audience were asked what films they most enjoyed, the choices were:
Paranormal activity-14
Pulp Fiction-1
Dark knight-14
Silence of the lambs-4

From this we can see that mostof our target audience liked Paranormal activity and Dark Knight. These movies are extremly different since one focuses on good triumphing evil and bringing hope and peace to Gotham city, however Paranormal activity is showing a possesion of a human and them killing their loved one. Paranormal activity is not gory however it gives u the chills and definatley makes u check your room before you go to sleep. Whereas Dark Knight focuses on a genric goody and baddie. This reinforces that our audience want to be scared and have that thrill but they also want a generic goody and baddie instead of a force that cant be explained.

Next we asked our audience to rate 8 fields that a thriller genre could cover:
Fast paced music-79/160
Plot twists-87/160
A sense of reality (Not too farfetched)-82/160
Clever Storyline-120/160

This data shows me that this age group doesn't want any sort of science related in the movie, wether this is becasue of the age or the group that filled in the questionaires just don't like science movies so dont want directors to incorporate science into thriller movies.
A clever storyline, gore,plot twists,reality and action all ranked higher than half in the questionaire so this to me looks like a genreic thriller movie which is fine however we need to make sure we surprise our audinece and surprise and give them a shock when they see our opening of a movie.

 Lastly we asked our audience wether they liked seeing the actors, producers and directors in the first two minutes of a movie:
Yes: 3
Don't mind:11

As a group we are going to decide to keep the cast and crew names in our opening because we feel this is what an opening is for to introduce the movie and the people in the movie and helping out in the movie.

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