Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Altman and traditional theorists

Genre according to altman is usually defined in terms of certain signs. This is called semantics, the study of signs and symbols and thier realtionship with eachother. Altman argues that the realtionship between the two links to how we can understand genre evolution and hybridisaton.
Hybridisation is the cross of genres in one film e.g. Guys and dolls a traditional gangsta movie is a cross between gnagsta and a musical. For science fiction and other genres maybe, it can be argued there is only a set of semantics and no syntactival framework due to so many sub genres and the dhift in ideology and technical advances.
Genres begin with the semantic and over a period of time, evolve into 'genre' after a variety of themes, issues and plots have been explored. This can take a while. What limits this is the shifting social ideologies that can affect themes, issues and ideas.
Altman is highly critical of the fact that genre theorists have tended to talk about the history of genre in a specific way. Catergorsing genres e.g. Horror, comedy, romance
When outlining the history of genreand looking at the way it evolves, traditional theorists such as Thomaus Schatz and William Wright have tended to look at genres as being entirley seperate from eachother. Hence when ooking at genreic evolution, later genre films are assumed to build on earlier films of the same genre and no others.
Syntax- This involves the plot and theme. These two areas form the grammer of the text.

1 comment:

  1. develop what syntax is and make a direct link with this and your research into the thriller genre. You must write about what you have learned from all the reserch that you do

    Audience section is " a bit random" as it is not developed or linked with anything. It is just there! There is still LOADS missing HANNAH!!!
