Monday, 24 January 2011

New shooting schedule


Tuesday 25th January - In the media lesson go and check out the woods opposite school and find a decent well covered area to film.

Wednesday 26th january- Finish off filming if neccasary

Friday 28th - Show Mr Ford and Mr Michie our opening 15 seconds and the sequence (un-edited) to see if we have kept in the 180 degree rule

Monday 31th January - depending on Sir's view on our sequence either find time to re-shoot or get on with some editing.


Tuesday 1st February- Editing or reshooting

Wednesday 2nd February- Editing or reshooting

Friday 4th February- Show sir editing so far or reshoot work

Tuesday 8th February - Editing, Do questionaire and print out for audience to fill in

Wednesday 9th February- Editing and set up with sir if we can show our work for a week on friday

Unfortunatley we still have not managed to sort out the shooting schedule, some shoots have been kept to the deadlines however most of this shooting schedule is now inconclusive. A further copy will be posted when a group discussion has taken place.